In 2011, the leadership of Lifestreams South Perth, under the oversight of Daron & Mel Crothers, began to sense an increasing burden from the Holy Spirit and prayed for the Lord’s direction in Karawara. Around this time, census statistics revealed that the suburb of Karawara had been listed in the bottom two (just above Kwinana) on the Socio Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) and that residents had been experiencing varying degrees of disadvantage. Our hearts naturally went out to the people of Karawara and beyond.
In February 2012, as a result of much prayer, research and numerous meetings, the leadership of Lifestreams South Perth made the unanimous decision to plant a new congregation in Karawara and commissioned Daron and Mel as the Team Leaders. In the months to follow, a team of 18 people including children would form the initial nucleus of the new church. The team spent three months praying, fasting and being trained in church planting principles. This led to the team reaching out into Karawara in order to meet new people and build relationships.
On November 11, 2012, Lifestreams Karawara was officially launched at the Gowrie
centre with over 130 people from the community in attendance. Weekly services began the
following Sunday and the church averaged 30-35 people over the coming months. The church was excited to report that at the end of the first year, over 28 new disciples began the journey towards embracing Christ as their Lord.